Build a Robot with Geometric Shapes is an 11 page booklet of step-by-step instructions.
Let’s look for Geometric shapes made by man and found in our home. Triangles, squares, circles, and rectangles are precise and regular. I have provided a practice sheet if you want to draw a shape you cannot find. I encourage my students to trace the shapes first, then draw them in the boxes next to the shape.
Geometry comes from God because God created everything. The definition of Geometry is: the prefix Geo means “earth” and the suffix metric means “measurement.” Put them together and you get the idea that to do Geometry means to literally “measure the earth.”
Grades K- 2nd
Learning Objectives
• Use various geometric shapes to create robots.
• Observe three-dimensional objects and see if they are geometric or organic shapes.
• Look for simple shapes in objects.
• Use fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination in drawing lines using pencils.
• Trace shapes on different colored paper
• Use Scissors to cut geometric shapes
• Variety of colored paper
• 9” x 12” or larger sheet of white or black construction paper
• Scissors
• Pencils and erasers
• Glue
• Geometric objects found in your house
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