Crazy Paint – The Frog

Crazy Painting
crazy paint flower

Crazy Paint is SO much FUN!

This project is messy, but a fun project. Your students will love it and love you for allowing them to be messy. Crazy paint will give students an opportunity to use fine motor skills and allow them to express themselves with paint and texture.

Crazy Paint Frog is an Eric Carle inspired art lesson. This 7 pages project is messy, but a fun project. Your students will love it and love you for allowing them to be messy. Crazy Paint will give students an opportunity to use fine motor skills. This lesson will enable them to express themselves with paint and texture. Crazy Paint is for all grades.

Crazy Paint is for all grades.

This project is a 2 or 3 day project.

Learning Objectives

• Students will learn about warm colors and cool colors.
• Gain the appreciation for Eric Carle as a writer and illustrator.
• Create texture & apply it to paper collage.
• Practice stamp printing


• Eric Carle books for reference (see page 7 for a list of books)
• 9” x 12” construction paper
• Pencils, erasers, scissors
• White butcher paper
• Crazy Paint tools – mesh bath puffs, forks, corks, sponges, bottle caps, cardboard, corn cobs, eye droppers, fabric with different textures, jar lids, toothbrushes, kitchen tools, crumpled plastic wrap, sponges of all kinds, straws, spray bottles, rubber bait worms, plastic mesh from cheese and anything you have around the school or house.

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