Great Homeschool Giveaway 2023

Online On-demand Video Classes
Below is what you get if you win the sweepstakes.
Art Curriculum Video Classes
The video lessons in this section are part of a Larger Art Course. The more extensive art courses cover all the Elements of Art and Principles of Design based on Nation Standards. In addition, I will provide vocabulary, student examples, and full art lesson plans in a digital download PDF format. But now you can purchase the individual art lessons if you wish.
Watercolor Portrait –
Learn About
Pablo Picasso & Cubism
$25 Value
This lesson includes 2 step-by-step drawing, painting classes and over 45 minutes of instruction + a digital download PDF printable.

All About Organic Shapes
Intermediate 3rd -8th Grade
Watercolor drip Flowers
With mixed media
$25 Value
Over 38 minutes of easy step-by-step video art lessons + a digital download PDF.

God’s Creation
of the Earth
Let there be Light!
$25 Value
Over 46 minutes of easy step-by-step video art lessons + digital download art plan.

How to Draw A Robot
with Geometric Shapes
Intermediate Art Lesson
$15 Value
Over 36 minutes of easy step-by-step video art lessons + a digital download PDF.

All About Lines
Intermediate 3rd -8th Grade
Let’s Draw A Sun
With A Personality
$25 Value
Over 45 minutes of easy step-by-step video art lessons + digital download art plan.